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Ich lade Sie ein, in meinem Angebot moderner wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen und Alter Drucke zu stöbern, online oder in den gedruckten Katalogen.

DITOMMASO,L., The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition. 2011.


DITOMMASO, Lorenzo, Christfried BÖTTRICH (Hrsg.),

The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition. Continuity and Diversity. Mohr Siebeck, 2011.

XIV, 486 S. Leinen. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism). ISBN 9783161495168.

Written by an international group of expert scholars, the essays in this volume are devoted to the topic of biblical apocrypha, particularly the „Old Testament Pseudepigrapha,“ within the compass of the Slavonic tradition. The authors examine ancient texts, such as 2 Enoch and the Apocalypse of Abraham, which have been preserved (sometimes uniquely) in Slavonic witnesses and versions, as well as apocryphal literature that was composed within the rich Slavonic tradition from the early Byzantine period onwards. The volume’s focus is textual, historical, and literary. Many of its contributions present editions and commentaries of important texts, or discuss aspects pertaining to the manuscript evidence.

With contributions by:

F.I. Andersen, Christfried Böttrich, James H. Charlesworth, Florentina Badalanova Geller, I.M. Gritsevskaya, Tomislav Jovanovic, Alexander Kulik, Basil Lourié, Anissava Miltenova, Liudmila Navtanovich, Andrei Orlov, Aurelio de Santos Otero, Michael Pesenson, Nicolae Roddy, Cornelia Soldat, Marina Swoboda, Lorenzo DiTommaso, Evgenij G. Vodolazkin

Bestellnummer: 1958VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 149,-- 

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