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SCHMIDT-KESSEL,M., German National Reports on the 19th International Congress of


SCHMIDT-KESSEL, Martin (Hrsg.),

German National Reports on the 19th International Congress of Comparative Law. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2014.

17 x 23 cm. IX, 785 S. Leinen. (Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsvereinheitlichung, 24). ISBN 9783161534836.

The International Congress of Comparative Law, organised by the International Academy of Comparative Law, took place in Vienna from 20th to 26th July 2014. A number of different legal topics were discussed, such as: comparative law and unification of laws, legal education, private international law, environmental law, intellectual property, labour law, public international law, tax law and constitutional law. The reports written by the national commentators are based on the questionnaire set out by the general reporting secretary, who is an expert on their subjects. Most of the German reports are published in this book. Contributors: Andreas von Arnauld, Lydia Auerswald, Ino Augsberg, Christoph Busch, Hans-Georg Dederer, Sabrina Dotterweich, Pierre Hauck, Tobias Helms, Sebastian Graf von Kielmansegg, Gregor Kirchhof, Dominik König, Stefan Korioth, Dirk Looschelders, Dorothea Ludwig, Mark Makowsky, Lothar Michael, Michael Mirschberger, Alexander Peukert, Thomas Pfeiffer, Hanns Prütting, Hermann Pünder, Oliver Remien, Anne Röthel, Adam Sagan, Anne Sanders, Alexander Schall, Stefanie Schmahl,

Dennis Solomon, Ulrich Stelkens,

Michael Stürner, Dirk A. Verse, Matthias Weller, Jochen Werner

Bestellnummer: 2863VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 134,-- 

Verlag Rechtswissenschaft Soziologie ZVAB Antiquariat Politikwissenschaft

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