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EBERT,B., Forum Shopping in International Investment Law. 2017.


EBERT, Björn P.,

Forum Shopping in International Investment Law. Forum Planning, Forum Enhancement, and Facilitation of Procedure – Assessment and Limits –. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

17 x 23 cm. XIX, 557 S. Leinen. (Tübinger Rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 122). ISBN 9783161553240.

Björn P. Ebert analyses forum shopping in international investment law. He focuses on investment treaty and investment contract arbitration, and concludes that forum shopping is legal and legitimate as long as it is not subject to particular limitations derived from applicable law. He assumes that forum shopping is generally a legitimate procedural technique that both parties to the dispute may employ in order to maximise the protection offered to international investment by international law. To validate the underlying thesis, the author analyses and differentiates between different manifestations of forum shopping. The main manifestations are categorised in three categories: forum planning, forum enhancement, and facilitation of procedure. Each category contains different forum shopping techniques. Björn P. Ebert examines and defines limitations for each category, as well as the manifestations of forum shopping that are assigned to them. He thereby addresses several issues of international investment arbitration that are essential to the perceived problem of forum shopping.

Bestellnummer: 3251VB

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