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HENSEL,B., Yahwistic Diversity and the Hebrew Bible. Tübingen 2020.


HENSEL, Benedikt, Dany NOCQUET, Bartosz ADAMCZEWSKI (Hrsg.),

Yahwistic Diversity and the Hebrew Bible. Tracing Perspectives of Group Identity from Judah, Samaria, and the Diaspora in Biblical Traditions. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

VIII, 337 S. Fadenbindung. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament. 2. Reihe, 120). ISBN 9783161583049.

The underlying perspective of the present volume contributes to the recent historical debate on Yahwistic diversity in the Persian and the Hellenistic periods. A broad variety of different Yahwistic (and not necessarily Jewish) groups existed inside and outside Judah during the sixth to first century BCE, for example in Egypt (Elephantine/Jeb and Alexandria), Babylonia (al-Yahudu), Samaria, and Idumea. The main objective of the volume lies in the literary-historical implications of this diversity: How did these groups or their interactions with one another influence the formation of the Hebrew Bible as well as its complex textual transmission? This perspective has not been sufficiently pursued in the more religious and historically oriented research before. The volume comprises thirteen articles by renowned international specialists in the field, which aim at closing this gap in the scholarly discussion.

Bestellnummer: 3579VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 109,-- 

Zeitgeschichte Antiquariat und Verlag Klaus Breinlich Sozialphilosophie Soziologie VICO Verlag Buchshop

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