The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.

The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.

BUSOLT,G., Griechische Staatskunde. 2 Bde. München 1920. ND 1963

BUSOLT, Georg,

Griechische Staatskunde. 3., neugestaltete Aufl. der “Griechischen Staats- und Rechtsaltertümer”. 2 Bde. München, C. H. Beck, 1920-1926. (Bd. 1 als Nachdruck, München 1963)

Gr.-8vo. IX, 630; XI, (631-) 1590 S. Mit 66 S. Register bearb. v. Franz Jandebeur. Originaler Verlagsleinen. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaften, hrsg. v. Walter Otto, 4. Abtlg., 1/I). (St.a.Tbrückseiten, Schnitt abgestrichen, Rückenschildchen).

Order Number: 21711AB

Rare Book: EUR 100,-- 

Offenbach social philosophy contemporary VICO Verlag fine old prints Klaus Breinlich

As a dealer, I am always looking for suitable books and libraries from my range of topics. Offers are always welcome, viewing appointments can be arranged at short notice.